Another Week – Same Story

Another Week – Same Story

Everything from last week remains the same except for price. Price for the S&P 500 Index (SPX) hesitated for all of a day at the 200 day moving average that everyone was tweeting, then blew right through it. Now traders are targeting 2070, 2080, and 2100. That is about the only difference in our Twitter indicators […]
US Bond Market Week In Review: The Fed Turns More Dovish

US Bond Market Week In Review: The Fed Turns More Dovish

The Fed maintained their current policy, offering the following assessment of the economy in their announcement: Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace despite the global economic and financial developments of recent months. Household spending has been increasing at a moderate […]
Amazon To Join Wal-Mart As A Top Ten Grocery Store By 2019: Cowen

Amazon To Join Wal-Mart As A Top Ten Grocery Store By 2019: Cowen

By Michelle Jones Amazon (AMZN) has been stretching its wings to fly into more and more areas, and grocery shopping is one of its newest areas of interest. The timing may be apt too, as a new study found that the age group that purchases groceries online the most is entering the stage of life when their […]
Bank Stock Roundup: Fed Meeting, Job Cuts Dominate Headlines; BofA, Citi & JPMorgan In Focus

Bank Stock Roundup: Fed Meeting, Job Cuts Dominate Headlines; BofA, Citi & JPMorgan In Focus

Over the last five trading sessions, the Federal Reserve’s two-day policy meeting dominated headlines. Keeping the rates unchanged (as expected by the market), the Fed lowered its projected rate to 0.875% by the end of this year from the prior estimate of 1.375%. This indicates that only two rate hikes are likely during the course […]
Is Up Down Or Down Up?

Is Up Down Or Down Up?

Too often I disagree with the RESULTS of the methodology used to analyze data releases. There is no methodology which is perfect – and for this reason I believe the less you screw with the raw data – the more consistent the results for baselining, comparing, and trending.   This week there was one confusing […]
Even The Bulls Are Expecting A Pullback

Even The Bulls Are Expecting A Pullback

During the summer of 2011, as gold was in the heart of a parabolic rise, the market was quite certain that we would imminently exceed the $2,000 mark. However, we expected it to top just over $1,900 and did not believe we would exceed $2,000, as the market was simply too euphoric at the time. […]
Robo Investing – The Latest And The Greatest

Robo Investing – The Latest And The Greatest

The Craze Sweeping the Nation – Robo Investing Recently all we hear about is “Robo Investing”. The themes vary between companies and sites offering the service, but in essence most sites – including the big banks – ask you to fill in the standard type forms that you would at any brokerage to open an […]
Yuan Outlook Bearish For Post-NPC Week

Yuan Outlook Bearish For Post-NPC Week

Fundamental Forecast for the Yuan: Bearish Tax Cuts, Financial Reforms Unleashed in the Yearly Plan Gov’t Spending Data Hints at Proactive Fiscal Policy What Are the Traits of Successful Traders? Get FXCM’s Free New eGuide The Chinese Yuan pulled higher both on onshore (CNY) and offshore markets (CNH) against the greenback following the more dovish-than-expected comments […]
International Economic Week In Review: Is The EU Stronger Than We Think?

International Economic Week In Review: Is The EU Stronger Than We Think?

This week confirmed the central thesis of Lael Brainard’s February 26th speech, “What Happened to the Great Divergence,” where she argued that all major central banks are now pursuing very similar policy paths due to weak global growth. Last week, the ECB amended their asset purchase program. This week the RBA and BOJ kept rates steady while […]
When A Quarter Is Two Halves

When A Quarter Is Two Halves

The year started off poorly, to say the least. Equity markets plunged from the get-go.  The Nikkei, DAX and S&P 500 gapped lower on the first trading day of the year. Emerging markets and commodities were smashed.   Many economists blamed the Federal Reserve for hiking rates in mid-December. Pundits warned that the seven-year bull market and […]