Sellers Stick Around For Another Day

Sellers Stick Around For Another Day

Another day of selling took markets further away from their highs and into more well defined profit taking. Near term, there should be a rally to mount a  retest of October highs, and how this rally behaves will determine if this is a pullback or just a relief rally. The index to guide this differential […]
8 Stocks Providing An Inflation Hedge With Increasing Dividends

8 Stocks Providing An Inflation Hedge With Increasing Dividends

With all the other investment strategies out there, why should investors consider dividend or income investing? There are a multitude of reasons to follow a dividend growth strategy. These include: investment stability, security of cash, continuous feedback, potential higher returns, low maintenance, et. al. But for me the most important reason is the inflation hedge that […]
Another Brutal Monday

Another Brutal Monday

One of the challenges of managing money is the (increasingly-frequent) need to translate non-financial tragedies into action to protect clients and, yes, profit from the broader world’s horror. So while most people react to events in Paris with stunned sympathy and/or impotent rage, the financial community is deciding what to buy and sell. And right […]
Patiently Waiting While Risk Rises

Patiently Waiting While Risk Rises

Last week I mentioned that 7 day momentum calculated from Twitter for the S&P 500 Index (SPX) needs to hold above it’s last low to show that the bulls aren’t jumping ship. This week the last low is holding, but just barely. The rising trend of sentiment has been broken and 7 day momentum is […]
Facebook, Google Are Q3 Ad Winners, Twitter, Yahoo Big Losers

Facebook, Google Are Q3 Ad Winners, Twitter, Yahoo Big Losers

By Michelle Jones The overall U.S. advertising industry was better than expected, but not all companies equally benefited. Unsurprisingly, Facebook (FB) and Google (GOOG) dominated as digital advertising is going strong. Interestingly though, while TV ad spend was higher than expected, Twitter (TWTR) and Yahoo (YHOO) still managed to lose out compared to TV advertising even though […]
Knees And Toes

Knees And Toes

We’ll know about eight hours after I’m typing this what the market’s initial reaction to the terrorist attack on Friday is, but as for now, people seem to think (oddly) that it’s bullish. Umm, I’m not a very bright bulb, but I don’t understand the logic there. Well, logic left the building seven years ago, […]
Eros International Plunges Further And Triggers Adjustments On The “Binary Trade”

Eros International Plunges Further And Triggers Adjustments On The “Binary Trade”

Eros International (EROS) faced the public and once again failed to deliver reassurance. EROS management attended the Wells Fargo Technology, Media & Telecom Conference on November 11, 2016, and the stock promptly plunged. By the end of the day, the carnage totaled to a 26% loss. On the 13th, the selling resumed. I guess EROS […]
Weekly Forex Forecast – 11/15/2015

Weekly Forex Forecast – 11/15/2015

EUR/CHF The EUR/CHF pair initially fell during the course of the week, but found enough support just below the 1.08 level to turn things back around and form a hammer. That hammer is similar to the hammer from the previous week, and I believe it’s only a matter of time before we see the buyers […]
Biotechs Send Buy Signal

Biotechs Send Buy Signal

If you were searching for a one-word summary of biotechnology stock performance in September it would be “bloodbath.” On September 21, biotechs fell 6% following a tweet from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in support of strict drug pricing legislation. Clinton was responding to the 750% price increase of the HIV drug Daraprim by Turing Pharmaceuticals. The […]
International Economic Week In Review: The Slowdown Gains Traction

International Economic Week In Review: The Slowdown Gains Traction

 The OECD is the latest organization to issue a report with downward global growth projections: Global growth has eased to around 3% this year, well below its long-run average. This largely reflects further weakness in EMEs. Deep recessions have emerged in Brazil and Russia, whilst the ongoing slowdown in China and the associated weakness of commodity prices […]