Black Friday – Oil Collapses As OPEC Meeting Ends In Chaos

Black Friday – Oil Collapses As OPEC Meeting Ends In Chaos

Oil is failing $70!   $66 is a 40% (strong) retracement from the $110 top we saw just over a year ago but this time may be different as OPEC ended their meeting with no agreement to reign in the massive over-supply of crude that’s spilling out onto the markets, even in the face of continuing declines in […]
Gold Vs. Oil

Gold Vs. Oil

First let’s preface by stating that I have a dislike for gold sector pom pom wavers as evidenced by this post at Biiwii: Huey, Dewey & Louie. Second, let’s ask what kind of sense it makes to hammer gold mining operations because oil is going down.  Gold is exploding higher in relation to the thing that […]
Copper & Crude Crash To 4 Year Lows

Copper & Crude Crash To 4 Year Lows

With all eyes focused on the malls around America, we thought a glimpse at two of the most important commodities to the world economy would provide food for thought… Copper… And Crude… are at 4-year lows… But you can still get a bargain stock at record highs…  
Dramatic Increase In Gold Flows Into China

Dramatic Increase In Gold Flows Into China

For over two thousand years, China practiced what came to be known as the “tributary system,” reflecting the view that it alone was the center of the civilized world. All who wished to do business with the Chinese were considered tributary states. Rulers and travelers from other lands had to follow certain procedures, including gift […]
Will The ECB Buy Gold

Will The ECB Buy Gold

Mario Draghi made himself very clear: he is going to do everything in his power to fight off deflation. Many analysts believe that gold will play a role in this fight. We can hear you think “yeah right, the ECB buying gold…”, but the title of this article did not fall from the sky; it is […]
The Stock Whisper Of The Day: AMD, F

The Stock Whisper Of The Day: AMD, F

A Worrisome Slide For Inflation Expectations

A Worrisome Slide For Inflation Expectations

The Federal Reserve may start raising interest rates next year for the first time in nearly a decade, but the focus at the moment is on deflation risk, or so it seems by way of the market’s softer inflation forecast via a closely followed yield spread in Treasuries. The implied outlook for inflation slumped to […]
Crude Oil Is Crashing, It Could Reach $35 Level Says Joe Friday

Crude Oil Is Crashing, It Could Reach $35 Level Says Joe Friday

CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGE Around 60-Days ago the Power of the Pattern suggested that the “most important commodity on the planet” should be on its way to $70 zone if the bottom of the pennant pattern broke support. (Post Here)  Well 64 days later Crude Oil has broken the bottom of the pennant pattern […]
Morning Call For November 28, 2014

Morning Call For November 28, 2014

OVERNIGHT MARKETS AND NEWS December E-mini S&Ps (ESZ14 -0.12%) this morning are down -0.22% and European stocks are down -0.37%% as energy producing stocks sank after OPEC refrained from reducing output and kept its production ceiling of 30 million bpd. The inaction by OPEC prompted a plunge in crude prices to a 4-1/2 year low and drove down the […]
Market Catches Breath After Yesterday’s OPEC-Induced Moves

Market Catches Breath After Yesterday’s OPEC-Induced Moves

OPEC decision to roll-over existing quotas sent oil prices sharply lower, pushed European bonds and stocks higher, and generally gave the US dollar a boost. Today’s theme is more consolidative in nature. At the same time, the dollar’s firmer tone against the yen helped lift the Nikkei while European stocks and bonds are struggling to extend […]