19 US Shale Areas That Are Suddenly Endangered, “The Shale Revolution Doesn’t Work At $80”

19 US Shale Areas That Are Suddenly Endangered, “The Shale Revolution Doesn’t Work At $80”

Despite the constant blather that lower oil prices are “unequivocally good” for America, we suspect companies working and people living these 19 Shale regions will have a different perspective… Drilling for oil in 19 shale regions loses money at $75 a barrel, according to calculations by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Those areas pumped about 413,000 barrels […]
All Eyes On Switzerland This Sunday

All Eyes On Switzerland This Sunday

Switzerland will vote on the “Save Our Swiss Gold” initiative this Sunday, and the news is reminding everyone just why the financial world is watching so closely. USA Today and the Wall Street Journal can give you a good summary of how the Swiss gold initiative would affect the policies of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). The Guardian explains […]
Data Supply Chain Needs KCS And ITIL

Data Supply Chain Needs KCS And ITIL

I have blogged before about the data supply chain and I’m pretty sure I’m still way ahead of other analysts covering this emerging topic. Data sector professionals need to talk more about defining the life cycle management of apps and their supporting data products. I’ll offer two existing constructs that should help data people move […]
EUR/USD Forex Signal For November 27, 2014

EUR/USD Forex Signal For November 27, 2014

EUR/USD Signal Update Yesterday’s signals were not triggered and expired as although the price did reach both 1.2442 and 1.2502 during the London session, there was no suitable price action there on the H1 chart after the first touches of these levels. Today’s EUR/USD Signals Risk 0.75% Trades must be made before 5pm London time. Short […]
Learning About Black Friday From Google Trends

Learning About Black Friday From Google Trends

As usual, economists will be paying close attention to Black Friday shopping, trying to get a glimpse of the overall retail sales this holiday season. Expectations this year are more optimistic than what we saw the last couple of years (see chart).  Can we learn anything from Google search frequency statistics about trends for Black […]
Rail Week Ending 22 November 2014: Rail Growth Slowing Continues. End Of Growth Cycle Or Simply Holiday Distortions

Rail Week Ending 22 November 2014: Rail Growth Slowing Continues. End Of Growth Cycle Or Simply Holiday Distortions

Econintersect: Week 47 of 2014 shows same week total rail traffic (from same week one year ago) was mixed according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) traffic data. The rate of growth softened in all of the rolling averages reported below. Holiday season transport may be affected by a change in logic by shippers. This will […]
T2108 Update – Finally Overbought, Essentially (Including Chart Reviews Of DE And INTC)

T2108 Update – Finally Overbought, Essentially (Including Chart Reviews Of DE And INTC)

T2108 Status: 69.99%T2107 Status: 54.6%VIX Status: 12.1General (Short-term) Trading Call: Hold (bullish positions)Active T2108 periods: Day #28 over 20%, Day #26 over 30%, Day #23 over 40%, Day #21 over 50%, Day #16 over 60% (overperiod), Day #98 under 70% (underperiod) Reference Charts (click for view of last 6 months from Stockcharts.com):S&P 500 or SPYSDS (ProShares UltraShort S&P500)U.S. Dollar […]
5 Great Gadgets for Coffee Lovers

5 Great Gadgets for Coffee Lovers

What do you buy the person who loves coffee? More and better ways to drink it. The Boston Tea Party might have fueled the American Revolution, but coffee is the drink that runs the country today. According to annual research by the National Coffee Association (NCA), 61% of American adults take down a cup of […]
                        Time For Pie

EC Time For Pie

Podcast: Play in new window | Play in new window (Duration: 13:16 — 6.1MB) DOW + 12 = 17,827 SPX + 5 = 2072 NAS + 29 = 4787 10 YR YLD – .03 = 2.23% OIL – .35 = 73.75 GOLD – 3.20 = 1199.00 SILV – .13 = 16.64 Another record high close for the Dow Industrial […]
Did Bernanke Really Save The World?

Did Bernanke Really Save The World?

Ben Bernanke and his teenaged Wall Street media groupies like to claim that he saved the world with QE. But if QE was such a cure-all why has the “recovery” in Japan and Europe been so weak? The ECB printed money out the wazoo for a while and the BoJ is giving Japan, the US, […]