7 Killer Tips for Logo Design

7 Killer Tips for Logo Design

Designing a logo is simple, right? Think again. There’s more to crafting a brand’s visual identity than just placing a name in a square and calling it a day. Logo designers are in high demand, and it’s for good reason — a logo is often a company’s first impression, one that can impact a customer’s […]
3 Everyday Events That Can Teach Your Kids About Money

3 Everyday Events That Can Teach Your Kids About Money

I believe teaching kids about money is one of the most loving things you can do as a parent. Americans, especially younger generations, is struggling with financial literacy. The popular Jump$tart personal finance testshowed that 63 percent of nearly 6,000 high school students failed their test on financial literacy basics. Living in a society that struggles with credit card […]
Do we really need an International Women in ICT Day?

Do we really need an International Women in ICT Day?

As technology advances in the coming years, we can fully expect Britain to be pushing the boundaries of innovation. After all, we invented the World Wide Web, and ARM architecture, and the Dyson, and Heston Blumenthal. We’ve proved that the UK isn’t just some adorable village in which vicars on bicycles deliver glass milk bottles […]
Jim Ovia: Zenith leads Nigerian change

Jim Ovia: Zenith leads Nigerian change

Nigeria, little over two decades ago, was in short supply of the resources and infrastructure necessary to keep pace with the rapid technological and economic change in much of the developed world. Opportunities were limited and, as a consequence, business impetus was lacking, save for a select few individuals who sought to capitalise on what […]
Tocomail Debuts An Email Service Designed For Kids

Tocomail Debuts An Email Service Designed For Kids

Tocomail, a new iPhone and iPad application launching today, aims to be first email service for kids. The app was designed not only with children in mind, but also in collaboration with kids who provided input as Tocomail’s early adopters. But more importantly, Tocomail offers parental controls that allow mom and/or dad to designate who the […]
The myth of isolationist America

The myth of isolationist America

Is the United States turning inward and becoming isolationist? That question was posed to me by a number of financial and political leaders at the recent World Economic Forum at Davos, and was heard again a few days later at the annual Munich Security Conference. In a strong speech at Davos, Secretary of State John Kerry […]
The race for video game innovation

The race for video game innovation

Derided for years by older generations as an industry purely aimed at children, the video games industry has grown to such a level that it is now among the most dominant – and most profitable – of all the entertainment industries. Worth around $80bn, the global video game industry has exploded in popularity over the […]
The call of corporate consolidation

The call of corporate consolidation

It’s highly unlikely that the average American consumer had heard of a company calledShuanghui International until the middle of this year – but they certainly will over the next few years. The Hong Kong-based but mainly China mainland-owned company is a producer of meat products that only got going 30 years ago. As for its […]
Trapped on a sinking island

Trapped on a sinking island

Like politicians everywhere, Puerto Rico’s legislators never like to be reminded of failure – not least (in their case) the island’s dubious distinction of sliding into recession in 2006 when much of the West was still in the throes of an economic boom. After eventually becoming a self-governing US territory (a new constitution was approved […]
China’s economic growth slows

China’s economic growth slows

Even though it has propelled the global economy for much of the last decade, recent figures have shown China’s economy is slowing down to its lowest rate in 14 years. Official figures released today reveal that GDP growth for 2013 was 7.7 percent, down 0.01 percent on the previous year’s number. Despite this slump, growth was higher […]