Abe Calls Election Because Of Revolt In Ruling Coalition

Last night, I started to write a post on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s call for a “snap” election in Japan, which will likely be scheduled for Dec. 14. When I awoke this morning and prepared to finish the post, I noticed Zero Hedge beat me to it and nailed it to boot. No reason to reinvent the wheel. Notice that the surveys of Japanese opinions was from Sept. 14. We know that in global currency terms, the Yen has since been trashed another 10% in value, mostly in just three short weeks. Further, despite looting the state muppet pension fund to feed various equity bubbles, that really hasn’t worked either.

Abenomics has been little more than wholesale looting of Japan’s pensions and other financial assets aimed at supporting the cabal in the U.S. If he is cast out, that will change. So look for conflict, scandal and trouble leading up to the election.

Zero Hedge goes on to make my point:

The consensus — perhaps until today, judging by the performance of Japanese stocks relative to the Yen — is that Abe calling a snap election is bullish, enabling him to re-confirm his mandate to push ahead with uber-dovish devastation of the Japanese economy. However, what few are willing to consider is… what happens if the world’s greatest policy madman does not get elected? Only 4.4% of Japanese households believe they are better off in the past year, perhaps an unelected Abe is the black swan no one is considering currently.

The real reason for the election is that Abe is facing a mutiny against him inside the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties. The anti-Abe faction has been leaking news of a planned general election in December, while Abe himself has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening. The ruling coalition is split between two large factions and the pro-Abe faction is losing support fast. The Abe regime is controlled by a U.S. puppet group known as the Seiwa Kai, which is ostensibly headed by former prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone.


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