Uber Executive Suggested Company Hire Team To Dig Up Dirt On Journalists

First there was Grubergate. Now we have Ubergate.

Reports of questionable behavior emanating from the executive suite at ridesharing company Uber are nothing new. My antennae first shot straight upward when I read that the company had hired one of Barack Obama’s chief political strategists, David Plouffe, as a senior vice president of policy and strategy. The Washington Post covered this in the articleUber hired David Plouffe when it realized ‘techies’ can’t do politics.

Around the exact same time, The Verge reported on the company’s playbook for sabotaging its competitor, Lyft. You can read that article here. Something seemed a little fishy, but I pretty much forgot all about it.

Well the latest revelation is simply something I can’t ignore. Thanks to a piece published yesterday at Buzzfeed
, we now have an idea of the sick mindset of one of the company’s senior executives. Even worse, this guy sits on a board that advises the Department of Defense.

Read More at: Liberty BlitzKrieg


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