An Easy Way To Double Your Gold

Few people truly understand gold. Gold is money, it’s not an investment. if you want a portfolio that preserves wealth, money is a good place to start. There’s even an easy way to double your gold, so you can double your wealth.

make gold money again

But first, you need to understand why gold is money. When you take a look at your wallet, you will probably find some dollar notes. It’s (hopefully your) money, not an investment. An investment has an element of risk and yields a benefit in the form of interest, dividends or rent.

A 50 dollar bill doesn’t yield a benefit, it’s just a 50 dollar bill. It’s money. Gold is also money.Gold has no yield. An ounce of gold will be an ounce of gold in the future. It will not rust or change shape or color. It is just gold. It’s money!

Gold is money

You can use dollars or gold to invest, but they are no investment – they are money. The value of the dollar or the value of gold can change. These changes in value do not turn them into investments, they just reflect supply and demand for different forms of money.

Make Gold Money Again

To protect yourself, you should create your own gold standard. Central banks hate the words ‘gold standard’ and they don’t want to go there. But it’s not their choice. Financial markets can force central banks into a gold standard.

To create your own gold standard, you have to trade your paper money into gold. Not all of it off course, but 10% to 20%. All-in into gold isn’t livable in this society. Make gold money again. You’ll thank yourself in a few years.

Gold isn’t going to go up 10% per year for seven years and the price doubles. It could have a steady upward movement, a spike and then a melt-up. When that happens, there will be 2 kinds of people: people who bought gold before the spike and people without gold. Gold is money and your own gold standard can save your life.

Double your Gold, double your money


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