E Poor Man’s Infograph: The Fed’s Conundrum

Economics can be a dry topic to most. Thus reading through articles and books is tiring. Hence why most individuals pay someone to do it for them.

That is why I compiled a 9 figure presentation, straight from the Feds own data, showing a brief thesis of how the Feds zero interest rates and quantitative easing programs have created severe unintended consequences with no clean way out.

Officially? The Feds original premise was to lower borrowing costs of over-leveraged (indebted) citizens and keep individuals in their homes and prevent banks from failing (a catastrophe that occurred during the 1930’s Great Depression).

Unofficially? The Fed needed to lower borrowing costs for the US treasury to borrow money, keep individuals consuming – creating the “wealth” effect by artificially raising asset prices, and most importantly – depreciate the value of the US dollar to make exports more competitive abroad i.e. currency war. 

 “The Fed front-loaded an enormous market rally in order to create a wealth effect … we [The Fed] injected cocaine and heroin into the system [quantitative easing + zero interest rate policy] … now we are maintaining it with ritalin.” – Former Dallas Fed President, Dick Fisher.

As a side note: it is ironic, isn’t it, that the economy is in this mess from too much debt – and yet the global elites solution? More debt.

The global treasurers, financial ministers, central bankers, and IMF (International Monetary Fund) directors seem to be stumped on what to do next. 
In fact, isn’t it the whole point of these Harvard, Yale, Ivy League graduates with PhD’s and distinguished academics to understand such complex markets and make the prudent decisions required to better their respective countries living standard and protect ourselves from such ‘black swan’ events? Yet, all they seem to prescribe is more debt, more spending, more money printing, and more bailouts. 


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