Forex Strength And Comparison For Week 12 – 20 March, 2016

This is the article “Strength and Comparison” for the coming week, the article “Ranking, Rating and Score” has also been published this weekend.
The last 3 months currency classification from a longer term perspective updated on 28 February 2016 are provided here for reference purposes:
Strong: USD / JPY / NZD. The preferred range is from 6 to 8.
Average: CHF, EUR, AUD. The preferred range is from 3 to 5.
Weak: GBP, CAD. The preferred range is from 1 to 2.
The charts are provided in the following article:  “Forex Currency Score Classification for Wk9”.


13 Weeks Currency Score Strength for Week 12 / 20-March-2016

The 13 Weeks Currency Strength and the 13 Weeks Average are provided here below. This data and the “3 months currency classification” are considered for deciding on the preferred range. Because it is not ideal nor desired to change the range for a currency every single week, we perform several checks to avoid this.

  • First of all the 13 weeks average and the strength over a period of 13 weeks. Both the average and the strength are shown in the table below.
  • The amount of weeks that a currency is stronger than another currency can also be evaluated.
  • Besides these the “13 weeks currency classification” chart of each currency is also consulted. These have been updated and can be found in the following article: “Forex Currency Score Classification for Wk9”.


    Currency Score Comparison for Week 12 / 20-March-2016


    Comparison table and the Ranking and Rating list

    The Forex Currency Comparison Table compares each Currency with its counterpart based on the Currency Score. For more information about the currency Score of this week you can read the article “Forex Ranking, Rating and Score” which is published every week together with this article.
    By using the comparison table here below you get a view without the volatility and statistics as opposed to the “Ranking and Rating list”. Only the strength of each currency against the counterparts is analyzed by using the Technical analysis charts of the 4 Time Frames that are also used for the “Ranking and Rating List”. 
    The information from the Comparison Table is the source for calculating the “Ranking and Rating List” where this list uses additionally the volatility and statistics for creating the best and worst performer in the list from number 1 to 28.


    • Total Score 0%
    User rating: 0.00% ( 0
    votes )

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