How To Profit On The $200 Billion Immunotherapy Market

Cancer is of course one of the most challenging pathologies patients and doctors can face; the disease cells are fiendishly adaptive as the body tries to fight them off, making them stronger.

Until very recently, medicine’s best shot at fighting cancer was to bombard the patient with harsh, poisonous chemicals or radiation in the hope that the illness died before the body.

But science is poised to turn the page on this disease, with some novel breakthroughs in the past few years, and new therapies that show a great deal of promise in fighting previously intractable cancers, making some of these deadly diseases treatable or even curable.

In fact, it’s immuno-oncology, the newest form of immunotherapy, that’s making the fastest strides.

Wall Street concurs. According to Allied Market Research, the immuno-oncology market has been growing at a solid 7.1% annual clip since 2014, and it’s expected to hit $110 billion by 2020.

My read on this is: That’s a very conservative number. I’ll show you how big I think it’s actually going to be, but that’s not even the best part…
You see, this company’s therapy hasn’t even made its full impact yet, but it’s already paying one of the richest dividends on the market, and for value, it’s unbeatable…

This Kind of Investing Was Impossible a Few Years Ago

According to Forbes, the current traditional oncology treatment market is well on its way to $150 billion (a 50% jump in just the past year) in the next year or so. And RNR Research projects that immuno-oncology therapies will make up 60% of this market, or about $90 billion in the next five years.

But, even if growth rates and market share stay flat – which they certainly won’t – I think we’re looking at a $200 billion global market in the next few years. The reality is likely to be a lot bigger.

What’s more, immuno-oncology is just the jumping off point for these therapies.


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