Silver Outbreak: Investment Demand Will Totally Overwhelm The Market

It’s no secret to the precious metal community that silver is one of the most undervalued assets in the market, however 99% of Mainstream investors are still in the dark. This was done on purpose to keep the majority of individuals invested in Wall Street’s Greatest Financial Ponzi Scheme in history.

You see, this is the classic PUMP & DUMP strategy.  Unfortunately, it’s not a lousy penny stock that Wall Street is pumping, rather it’s the entire market. Most pump & dump stock campaigns last a day, week or a few months. Sadly, this one has gone on for decades and the outcome will be disastrous for the typical American.

The problem is quite simple… there are way too many PAPER ASSETS floating around backed by very little PHYSICAL ASSETS. Or, let me put it another way. There are way too many DEBTS in the market masquerading as assets, while very few investors hold true STORES OF WEALTH.

And one of the best stores of wealth in the market is SILVER.Yes, gold is also another excellent store of wealth, but silver will outperform gold spectacularly when the Mainstream investor finally gets precious metal religion.

I was inspired to write this article due to a recent announcement by one of the well known silver analyst in the Mainstream and alternative media.Jeff Christian of the CPM Group made this statement which was reported in a recent Bloomberg article, Why Poor Man’s Gold May About To Get More Investor Love:

Not everyone is convinced.

“There’s a lot of bullishness forming around silver,” said Jeffrey Christian, managing director at New York-based CPM Group, a precious metals adviser. “We are of mixed minds. Silver is in surplus, plain and simple.”

Investors will only increase their purchases if there are more worrying economic, financial and political developments, Christian said in an e-mail dated March 3. CPM Group data on supply and demand show annual surpluses from 34 million ounces to 177 million ounces stretching back to 2006.

As many of you know, Jeff Christian’s CPM Group publishes the Silver Yearbook.According to their figures, the global silver market has enjoyed annual surpluses since 2006.Several of my readers forwarded this statement to me and asked me what I thought of it.

Here is the CPM Group’s chart showing annual silver surpluses since 2006:

Well, there you have it… the silver market did enjoy annual surpluses since 2006. Or did it? If you were from the Mainstream media and you only read the CPM Group’s Silver Yearbook you would have been bamboozled by the data in this chart. Why? Because Jeff Christian’s CPM group cleverly OMITS silver investment demand from this calculation… LOL.


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