Nicholas Darvas Box Trades to watch for:
Darvas Box trading was started by Nicolas Darvas a long time ago and even wrote a book titled, “How I made 2,000,000 in the Stock Market” and it is one of my favorite trading books of all time. It is actually a very quick read, and you can purchase a copy of it on the cheap right here. Essentially he was an individual trader with a full-time dancing career. He came up with a box breakout trading strategy that netted him over $2,000,000 in profits and remember, in the 1950’s that was an insane amount of money.
So in honor of Nicolas Darvas and his incredible trading system, I have put together a watch-list of three trade setups that use the Darvas box trading strategy.
Long Harbinger Group (HRG)
Long CDW Corp (CDW)
Short Finish Line (FINL)