The March 20 Market Update showed our Long Term interval forecast – both 15 and 12 year intervals. As we are now seeing the biggest pullback in the Dow since last autumn we have to assume that the 15yr interval is exerting its influence and the decline won’t end until the 12yr interval (May-November, 2017) takes over.
Lindsay wrote that a 12yr interval counts 12yrs, 2mo. – 12yrs, 8mo. from an important high. However, these long term intervals (as might be expected) were the least exact of all Lindsay’s counts. For example, the 2/11/16 low was exactly 12yrs, 0mo. from the high on 2/11/04. If we account for a possible two month error in the counts, we are already in the 12yr interval time target.
Last week’s Market Update noted a 19-day cycle low which points to the next low on April 24 which matches the Hybrid Lindsay forecast for a low on or near April 24-28. Not mentioned was the date of the next 21-day cycle high on April 28.
Conclusion: the following rally will be short-lived.