Hey everyone the first quarter of 2017 is already history so it is time to make a recap of my financial activities in the first 3 months of the year and to have a look if I am still on track towards my goals for 2017.
The year 2017 was not that investment friendly for income investors, as it is very hard to find any cheap stocks. But nevertheless I already reached one milestone by crossing the 100 EUR average monthly dividend income, which is a great feeling. But let’s go back to the goals and compare them to my current status.
Financial Goals
Dividend Income
Goal for 2017 is to have a dividend income of 1 400 EUR and forward full year dividend income of 1 700 EUR. Until the end of the march I collected 218.91 EUR compared to 2016 where it was 122.03 EUR. Well to reach the goal of 1 400 EUR it is still a long way to go but considering that May will be a very good month I am very optimistic to reach that mark. Concerning the forward dividend income I am currently at 1 275.24 EUR after tax of course. In other words I still need to invest around 12 000 EUR (yield 3%) to reach my goal. That’s will be a tough one but not impossible to reach. So to sum up I will not adjust my dividend goals.
As I said in the beginning the year hasn’t been that investment friendly so far. But nevertheless I did some investments this year, in total I have invested 8 734.61 EUR where I also invested in my first ETF. My goal for 2017is to make investments of at least 19 500 EUR. I think this is also not out of reach, I even think that I will increase that number to 21 000 EUR in order to reach my dividend income goal.
Cash is at moment my weakest part with around 9 200 EUR I am not really happy with that but with April and May coming this number will increase significantly. Nevertheless with doing more investments I will adjust my goal of 20 000 EUR to 17 500 EUR. But this definitely a point I have to work on.
I better do not talk about that as I had some unexpected expenses in the first 3 months I probably will not reach my goal of not having more 14 400 EUR more realistic will be around 18 000 EUR. But for motivational reasons I will not adjust that goal 🙂