Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – Risk-Off – Maundy Thursday

Today was a ‘risk-off’ day in the market

Some of this was due to geopolitical risks. 

The rest was in anticipation of a three-day weekend, with new political and geopolitical risks being anticipated.

The US has to renew the debt ceiling, and despite being controlled by one party it remains dysfunctional, being sharply divided by ideologues and servants of various corporate interests and a wealthy few who do not carry the needs and best outcomes for the people in their hearts. And as for the corporate powers, they serve only their own greed, which is mammon.

Few suffering servants in power these days; they serve what they love the most, a false vision of god as themselves, which is death. It would be far better for them if they had never been born.

Gold and silver remain jammed into key resistance and both of the major stock indices which I track here closed down to key support.

VIX, the measure of risk and volatility, has ticked up to a new short-term high.

Let’s see if we can come out of this weekend blithely, and reverse these trends next week. Or on the other hand, confirm these trends with breakouts and breakdowns as the mispricing of risk that began with the Trump ascendancy starts to unwind

This is Holy Week for us. And so I will likely not post anything tomorrow, but perhaps some little things over the weekend. I spent much of today taking care of the queen, who is very fatigued and forgetful because of her illness. I managed to do all her laundry which was a major milestone. She was too tired to object because I won’t ‘do it the right way.’ lol.

Have a pleasant weekend.


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