Snapchat and NBC News announced earlier this week that they’re uniting to launch the first daily news show on the social network. Snapchat Stay Tuned will appear on the social network‘s Discover platform two times a day Monday through Friday and once a day on Saturday and Sunday. The news was enough to boost Snap shares on Wednesday and support them on Thursday, but not enough to keep the momentum going on Friday.
TeroVesalainen / Pixabay
Details on Snapchat Stay Tuned
NBC News will produce a morning and afternoon edition of Snapchat Stay Tuned on weekdays. Coverage will include both national and international news, culture, politics, and other topics. The media outlet will also offer breaking news updates on the social network.
It sounds like NBC is going all-in on Snapchat here, as it has a team of 30 people putting together the daily news program. Andrew Springer is the executive producer of Stay Tuned, while NBC News correspondent Gadi Schwartz and MSNBC correspondent Savannah Sellers will host it.
NBCUniversal was Snapchat’s first big media partner, the company says. In August 2016, NBC launched its hugely popular singing talent show The Voice on Snapchat, and then after that, it added The Rundown, which airs on E!, World of Dance, and Saturday Night Live. NBC said it is in the process of developing other shows for launch on Snapchat as well. The Voice on Snapchat was nominated for an Emmy recently.
How to watch Snapchat Stay Tuned
To watch Snapchat Stay Tuned, All you have to do is open the Snapchat app and then swipe to the left to reach the app’s Stories Page. If you scroll down, you will see the show in the list of featured items under “Shows.” Swiping left from there will bring you to a dedicated page in Snapchat’s Discover platform, which also features the show. Tapping on the image tile will bring up the show, and you can fast-forward or rewind using your finger on the screen.