The Chart of the Day belongs to CAI International (CAI). I found the intermodal container stock by using Barchart to sort today’s All Time High list first by the highest Weighted Alpha, then again by technical buy signals of 80% or more. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 8/14 the stock gained 9.06%.
CAI International, INC. is one of the world’s leading intermodal freight container leasing and management companies. Intermodal freight containers are large, standardized steel boxes, which CAI leases primarily to international steamship companies, and are used to transport cargo by a number of means, including ship, truck and rail. A portion of the container fleet is owned by CAI with the balance being owned by third parties on whose behalf CAI manages the containers. Accordingly, CAI operates its business through two segments: container leasing and container fleet management. Through its international network of offices and agents CAI also has developed an active after-market program for containers retired from the international shipping fleet.
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