Global Tensions Escalate As North Korea Sends Communication To The West


North Korean Communication

Tensions between the US and North Korea have escalated following the release of a letter, believed to be written by the Foreign Affairs Committee, which urges “sharp vigilance” towards the “heinous and reckless” Trump administration.

The letter, which was reported by the Australian Foreign Minister after it was received at the country’s Indonesian embassy, is unusual as communications with the West are usually done through the North Korean state news agency.

Published in the Sydney Morning Herald, the letter, which is addressed to the “parliaments of different countries” said that “If Trump thinks that he would bring the DPRK, a nuclear power, to its knees through nuclear war threat, it will be a big miscalculation and an expression of ignorance”.

North Korea A “Fully Fledged Nuclear Power”

The letter continues by saying “The DPRK has emerged a fully-fledged nuclear power which has a strong nuclear arsenal and various kinds of nuclear delivery means made by dint of self-reliance and self-development. The real foe of nuclear force is a nuclear war itself.

“The Foreign Affairs Committee … takes this opportunity to express belief that the parliaments of different countries loving independence, peace and justice will fully discharge their due mission and duty in realising the desire of mankind for international justice and peace with sharp vigilance against the heinous and reckless moves of the Trump administration trying to drive the world into a horrible nuclear disaster.”

Commenting to the Herald in response to the letter, the Australian Foreign Minister said that’s he believed the letter shows that the collective actions of those allied against North Korea, in terms of applying maximum pressure as well as diplomatic and economic sanctions, are working.

Growing Global Concern

The main countries in alliance against the secretive, communist state are the US, Japan, South Korea, The UK and Australia though in recent months even China and Russia, countries typically allied with North Korea have expressed concern about the frequent testing of nuclear missiles. Indeed, in September, China backed UN sanctions against North Korea which call for the de-escalation of tensions.


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