For traders with a short-term time horizon who are looking for big moves over a short period, we have updated our list of the S&P 1500 stocks trading above $10 that have the largest intraday high-low ranges (based on the average percent spread between the intraday high and low over the last 50 days). The stocks are grouped based on whether they have a rising or falling 50-day moving average (DMA). Stocks highlighted in gray are new to the list this month.
With overall market volatility near record lows, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there is not a whole low of major volatility in individual stocks. As shown in the table below, just ten stocks in the S&P 1500 have an average daily intraday move of over 5%. TNeck and neck in the lead for the title of most volatile stock are shares of MiMedx (MDXG) and Finish Line (FINL), which are both in short-term downtrends and have seen average daily moves of 6.4%. The only other stock in the S&P 1500 that has seen an average intraday move of 6% is Impax Labs (IPXL).While all three of the stocks mentioned have relatively low share prices, the highest priced stock on the list is RH (formerly Restoration Hardware). With a price of around $86 per share, the stock sees an average daily intraday move of nearly $4 each day.
In terms of sector representation, Health Care is the most heavily represented with twelve stocks and Consumer Discretionary is right on its heels with eleven. The only sector not represented is Utilities, but that shouldn’t be a surprise given the sector’s traditionally stable investor base.