Over the last two years, we have learned a lot about the medical benefits associated with marijuana. From Israel to the United States, studies focused on these benefits continue to provide positive results.
The legal medical cannabis industry continues to expand and this has created new opportunities for investors. Today, we have highlighted a new cannabis business that has recently come to light and have provided some insight into this firm and the associated opportunity
Phivida: Focused on a Burgeoning Market
The company, Phivida Holdings, is an emerging leader in the alternative health and wellness sector focused on the medical cannabidiol (CBD) hemp oil extract market. Phivida is becoming a global leader in the production, manufacturing and marketing of functional foods and natural health products, while advancing clinical research and investing in the communities in which the company operates.
Over the last few years, CBD has become one of the best known chemical compounds in the cannabis plant and this is primarily due to its medical benefits. CBD is a cannabis compound that does not have the primary psychoactive ingredient which gets the user high.
CBD is an appealing option for patients looking to treat ailments such as pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions. The benefits associated with CBD cannot be minimized. CBD is an effective anti-inflammatory and its anti-seizure and anti-epilepsy properties help alleviate such symptoms in children and adults.
Nutraceuticals: A $285 Billion Industry by 2021
CBD is commonly associated with the nutraceutical industry and this segment of the market has been consistently recording above-average growth.
In March, Research and Markets released a new report published by BCC Research which said that the global nutraceutical market should be a $285 billion market by 2021.
We expect to see CBD products accelerate growth within this market and increase share of the total global nutraceutical market.