Written by eVestment
The continued positive aggregate returns to start Q4 lifted hedge fund assets to another all-time high, despite net flows in negative territory for a second consecutive month. On a net basis, outflows were small again in October, but the industry felt redemption pressures more broadly than much of the year. Allocations and redemptions were highly concentrated, more so than any other month of 2017.
At the strategy level, there was a mixed bag of trend halts, shifts, and resumptions. Notably, interest in managed futures strategies rose, while macro redemptions continued. Credit/fixed income market exposure (both developed and emerging markets) continues to be an area of high interest to investors not only within the hedge fund space, but from institutional investors in traditional long-only strategies.
Flows Slightly Negative to Start Q4, Managed Futures See Interest
Investors withdrew an estimated $2.94 billion from hedge funds in October. Net flows into the industry for the year are now $33.26 billion. Performance gains offset redemption pressures for a second consecutive month, lifting total industry AUM to another new all-time high.
Key Points