It was a wild week for stocks — a seemingly fitting end to what has been a wild quarter overall. U.S. equities jumped Monday when it appeared fears of a trade war with China may have been overblown. This was followed by a sharp reversal Tuesday, with mega cap technology stocks leading the decline, and another rebound on Thursday. When the dust finally settled, global stocks were nicely positive for the week, but still negative for the quarter and year. Emerging market stocks, gold and commodities were the few categories posting gains in Q1.
Weekly Returns
S&P 500: 2,641 (+2.0%)
FTSE All-World ex-US: (+2.5%)
US 10 Year Treasury Yield: 2.74% (-0.07%)
Gold: $1,329 (-1.3%)
EUR/USD: $1.230 (-0.4%)
Major Events
Our Take
As we come to the end of the first quarter, we’re reminded of an important lesson in investing: what goes up the most tends to come down the most. We all know this happened with technology stocks in the early 2000s, followed by financial stocks in 2008. Both of these sectors were the darlings of Wall Street, posting very strong gains in up years. But when the music eventually stopped, these sectors were hit harder than any other category. We’re not saying we’re in another tech bubble, and we’re not saying the music has stopped, but it’s worth noting the same trends often play out on smaller scales.