Given what’s been going on in the crypto space the past six months (that is, catastrophe), I punched in the search term “#cryptogenius” in Twitter just to see what would come back. I thought it would be a bunch of snarky stuff about Altucher, but instead this tweet from January of this year was what popped up:
So apparently this guy was predicting once Verge dipped to seventy cents (using Elliott Wave, which we all know is a surefire way to make big coin) it would “KABOOM”. Well, it sort of came true:
Yet another crypto that has plunged to almost worthless. And yet another victory for the Elliott Wave Theory! What I found remarkable is that CoinMarketCap claims this 2 cent thing has a total market cap of about $368 million. Uhh, what? I guess since anyone can create a nearly infinite amount of a “coin”, anything is possible. Suffice it to say, I don’t think the people of earth are collectively willing to spend $368 million to buy out the stock of, umm, “Verge”.