Here’s a graph for you. It certainly impressed me when I saw it yesterday.
It shows how even though the price has declined since the beginning of the year, traders have not only maintained their positions, but are actually increasing their bitcoin holdings.
The graph was inspired by a recent article in which our CEO and founder Yoni Assia stated that…
After I posted the graph on Twitter, one user was quick to point out that there are many more buyers now and so the increased amount of holdings actually shows that each individual investor is holding less.
While that may be true, it actually serves to strengthen the case that demand is holding strong. If more people want to hold bitcoin, that grows the network, even if they’re holding it with less allocation in their portfolio.
Today’s Highlights
Traditional Markets
Whatever you feel about him, President Donald Trump’s garish rhetoric has been great for traders who like volatility. This latest headline is particularly punchy…
Just as China and the United States have started preparing for some fresh rounds of trade talks, President Trump, true to his style, has spiced things up by placing things off kilter in a way that now seems quite normal.
This comes after a report from Trump’s own administration published in April stopped short of making any such labels. In fact, the USA hasn’t officially labelled any country as a currency manipulator since 1994.
Looking back since the start of 2017, if either China or the EU have been trying to deliberately weaken their respective currencies, they haven’t been doing a very good job of it.
Dollar Pullback
Zooming in a bit to the movements of the day…
The US Dollar is finally showing some signs of weakness, which is providing some much-needed relief for the rest of the markets. In fact, it seems like investors are even ready to take on a bit more risk today as the stocks climb and the precious metals have bounced off the lows.