Bitcoin Is Becoming The New Safe Haven Trade

Emerging markets are continuously using bitcoin (BTC) as a way to get their money from their respective countries.

Cryptocurrencies are attractive to individuals in less developed economies for a few reasons:

  • Transaction costs are the same as gold.BTC’s higher price volatility is offset by gold’s higher conversion fees
  • Liquidity favors BTC
  • BTC only requires access to the internet
  • Easier to transport and hide $20,000 of BTC offsets gold’s bulkiness
  • As recent events in Turkey and Iran show, hard currency and precious metal confiscation is a very real threat, crypto is now a very real alternative.

    Turkish citizens flocked to bitcoin as the Turkish lira continues to plummet. The lira is down nearly 40% this year alone. An insane drop for a currency.

    In dollar terms, gold continues to trade lower as bitcoin catches a bid.

    Here’s a chart of bitcoin demand from within Venezuela

    The Emerging Markets can be grouped into two categories: those that are adopting BTC and those that are panic buying. Russia is an example of a late adopter.

    Examples of panic buying: Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Hungary, India, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Venezuela.

    Here’s Chile.

    Here’s Columbia:

    Here’s Hungary:

    Here’s India:

    Here’s Mexico:

    Here’s Peru:

    And here’s the Philippines:

    Interpreting the BTC Currency Signal

    One signal coming from BTC: an indication of underlying economic/capital strength.

    It’s still a bit too early to assign a definitive value for regional BTC demand. But the fact that millions of people around the world are flocking to bitcoin is a sure sign there is a value of it.


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