The Barchart Chart of the Day belongs to Twilio (TWLO).
Twilio Inc. provides Cloud Communications Platforms. The Company enables developers to build, scale and operate real-time communications within software applications. Its Programmable Communications Cloud software enables developers to embed voice, messaging, video and authentication capabilities. The Super Network is the software layer which allows its customers’ software to communicate with connected devices globally. Twilio Inc. is based in San Francisco, United States.
Barchart technical indicators:
100% technical buy signals
146.45+ Weighted Alpha
121.41% gain in the last year
Trend Spotter buy signal
Above its 20, 50 and 100 day moving averages
7 new highs and up 27.16% in the last month
Relative Strength Index 72.96%
Technical support level at 72.46
Recently traded at 74.00 with a 50 day moving average of 59.82
Fundamental factors:
Market Cap $6.06 billion
Revenue expected to grow 46.80% this year and another 26.50% next year
Earnings estimated to increase 105.30% this year, an additional 1200.00% next year and continue to compound at an annual rate of 20.00% for the next 5 years
Wall Street analysts have 4 strong buy, 6 buy and 3 hold recommendations in place on this stock