The headlines say seasonally adjusted Industrial Production (IP) improved month-over-month. Our analysis shows the three-month rolling average marginally declined.
Analyst Opinion of Industrial Production
There was a significant upward revision to last month’s data. The best way to view this is the 3-month rolling averages which marginally declined. Industrial production remains in a long-term upward trend.
Manufacturing employment rate of growth is accelerating year-over-year…
IP headline index has three parts – manufacturing, mining and utilities – manufacturing was up 0.3 % this month (up 2.7 % year-over-year), mining down 0.3 % (up 13.1 % year-over-year), and utilities were down 0.5 % (up 1.7 % year-over-year). Note that utilities are 10.8 % of the industrial production index, whilst mining also is 10.8 %.
Comparing Seasonally Adjusted Year-over-Year Change of the Industrial Production Index (blue line) with Components Manufacturing (red line), Utilities (green line), and Mining (orange line)
Unadjusted Industrial Production year-over-year growth for 2 years has been near or below zero – it is currently trending up and in expansion.
Economic downturns have been signaled by only watching the manufacturing portion of Industrial Production. Historically manufacturing year-over-year growth has been negative when a recession is imminent.
Seasonally Adjusted Manufacturing Index of Industrial Production – Year-over-Year Growth