The Dow and Nasdaq both added triple digits today, the former notching its fourth consecutive session in the black, while the S&P 500 moved higher as well. Investors focused on a flood of corporate earnings, and are now eyeing Tesla (TSLA), which will report after the close today. Meanwhile, U.S. Treasury yields are pulling back after upbeat manufacturing data.
As investors eye potential outcomes for whether or not supply and demand will be met out of the Middle East, June-dated West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude added $1.46, or nearly 1.8%, to settle at $83.36 a barrel.Gold prices dropped for the second day. June-dated gold futures fell $4.30, or 0.2%, to settle at $2,342.10 an ounce. More By This Author:Dow, Nasdaq Up Triple Digits Midday
Dow Marks 253-Point Win; Nasdaq, S&P 500 Snap Losing Streaks
Stocks Muted As Oil Prices Take A Breather