What are decentralized prediction markets?

Decentralized prediction markets are blockchain-based platforms where users bet on future events without intermediaries. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Use blockchain and smart contracts to operate autonomously
  • Allow betting on various outcomes like politics, sports, finance
  • Typically use cryptocurrency tokens for trading
  • Aim to harness “wisdom of the crowd” for accurate predictions
  • Key features:

    Feature Description
    Decentralized No central authority controls the market
    Transparent All bets and market data are public
    Low fees Reduced costs due to no intermediaries
    Global access Anyone with internet can participate
    Censorship-resistant Difficult for governments to shut down

    Popular platforms:

  • Polymarket: Operates on Ethereum with Polygon Layer-2, allows bets on a wide range of real-world events.
  • Augur: Ethereum-based, allows user-created markets
  • TotemFi: Uses staking system, no loss of funds on wrong predictions
  • Challenges include legal uncertainties, data reliability issues, and potential market manipulation. Despite limitations, these markets show promise for predicting outcomes in finance, politics, and other fields.2. Basics of decentralized prediction markets2.1 DefinitionDecentralized prediction markets are online platforms that use blockchain technology. They let people bet on future events without middlemen. These markets use group knowledge to guess how likely different outcomes are. They work on blockchain, which makes them open, unchangeable, and hard to shut down.Key parts of decentralized prediction markets:

  • Built on blockchain
  • Run by smart contracts
  • Use tokens for betting
  • Allow direct trading between users
  • 2.2 Main featuresDecentralized prediction markets have several key features:

    Feature What it means
    No central control No single group runs the market
    Open to all Anyone with internet can join
    See-through All bets and market info are public
    Hard to stop Governments can’t easily shut them down
    Cheap to use Lower fees than regular markets
    Self-running Smart contracts handle all tasks

    These features make prediction markets more open and fair. People can bet on many things, from politics to money, while staying private and safe.Blockchain makes sure bets can’t be changed once placed. This helps users trust the system more.Many of these markets have their own tokens for betting. This lets them work well with other blockchain money apps, making them more useful.3. How these markets operate3.1 Blockchain and smart contractsDecentralized prediction markets use blockchain and smart contracts to work on their own and openly. Blockchain keeps a record that can’t be changed, showing all market activities. Smart contracts are computer programs that run the market without needing people in the middle.Here’s how blockchain and smart contracts help these markets:

    Feature What it does
    Can’t be changed Keeps bet records safe
    Open to see Anyone can view market activities
    Runs itself Smart contracts handle betting and results
    Keeps things safe Uses special codes to protect user money and info

    Smart contracts also set up new markets and decide who wins bets based on real events.3.2 Using tokens to join inTo join these markets, you usually need special tokens. These tokens do different jobs:

  • For betting
  • To add money to markets and earn fees
  • To vote on changes to how the market works
  • To get rewards for good guesses
  • Using tokens helps these markets work well with other online money apps.3.3 Starting and ending marketsHere’s how markets start and finish in these systems:

    Step What happens
    1. Create market Someone suggests a new thing to bet on
    2. Add money People put in money so others can bet
    3. Betting time Users place bets on what they think will happen
    4. Get real info Trusted sources tell what really happened
    5. Pay out Computer program gives money to winners

    This way of doing things is fair and doesn’t need people to run it. But it’s important that the info about what really happened is correct.4. Parts of decentralized prediction markets4.1 Who’s involvedDecentralized prediction markets have several key players:

    Player Role
    Market Creators Suggest new markets and set up events to bet on
    Traders Buy and sell shares based on what they think will happen
    Liquidity Providers Add money to markets so others can trade
    Oracles Give real-world info to decide who wins
    Token Holders Own the market’s special coins and vote on changes

    4.2 Oracles and data sourcesOracles are important in these markets:

  • They connect the blockchain to outside info
  • They make sure the right info is used to end bets
  • They help keep the markets fair and correct
  • Types of oracles:

    Type What it is Used for
    One source One trusted place for info Sports scores
    Many sources Info from different places Big money news
    People-based Info from many people Things people decide
    Computer-based Info from machines Stock prices, weather

    The type of oracle used can affect how much people trust the market.4.3 How decisions are madeHere’s how things work in these markets:1. Starting a market:

  • People suggest new things to bet on
  • Everyone votes on which bets to allow
  • 2. Betting time:

  • People buy and sell based on what they think
  • Prices change as people bet
  • 3. Finding out what happened:

  • Oracles tell what really happened
  • Computers use this info to end the bet
  • 4. Giving out money:

  • Winners get paid
  • People who added money to the market get some too
  • 5. Big choices:

  • People with special tokens vote on big changes
  • This way of doing things helps keep everything open and fair, without needing someone in charge.5. Benefits of these marketsDecentralized prediction markets have several key advantages over regular ones:5.1 Hard to stop or controlThese markets are spread out, making them tough to shut down:

  • No one group can close or change the market
  • People from anywhere can join
  • Users can bet on any topic without worry
  • Less likely to be stopped by governments
  • This lets people bet more freely on many different things.5.2 Open for everyoneAnyone can use these markets:

  • You just need internet to join
  • No bank account or credit check needed
  • Easier to start than old-style markets
  • People from all over can add their ideas
  • More people joining means better guesses and more money in the markets.5.3 Cheaper and more money to tradeThese markets can save users money:

    Benefit How it helps
    Lower costs No middle-men means less fees
    More trading Open all day, every day
    Fair prices Computers keep prices competitive
    Less price change Lots of money in the market keeps prices steady

    All this makes trading cheaper and easier for everyone.5.4 Clear and unchanging recordsBlockchain keeps everything open:

  • Anyone can check all bets and results
  • Old info can’t be changed or erased
  • People trust the market more
  • Easy to look at how the market worked before
  • This openness makes people feel better about using the market.6. Problems and limitsDecentralized prediction markets have some issues and limits:6.1 Legal concernsThese markets often face legal problems:

    Issue Details
    Unclear rules Many countries don’t know how to classify these markets
    Possible illegal activity Some see them as unlawful betting or uncontrolled trading
    Hard to follow laws Tough to check users’ identities and stop money crimes
    User risks People might break laws by using these markets

    6.2 Data problemsGetting the right information is key:

  • Wrong data can lead to incorrect results
  • Even spread-out systems can have weak points
  • Hard to judge complex events accurately
  • Arguments about results can make users lose trust
  • 6.3 Market cheating risksThese markets can still be tricked:

  • Rich users might change prices
  • Some people might use secret info to win
  • Market makers and bettors might work together unfairly
  • Bad people could use flaws in the computer code
  • 6.4 New tech issuesAs a new system, these markets face some problems:

    Problem Effect
    Not enough traders Can make guesses less accurate and prices jump around
    Hard to use Regular people might find it too complex
    Slow at times Blockchain limits can make fees high when busy
    Doesn’t work with other systems Hard to use across different platforms

    These issues need fixing for more people to use these markets and for them to work better.7. Well-known platforms7.1 Top platformsTwo big names in decentralized prediction markets are:1. Polymarket

  • Operates on Ethereum with Polygon Layer-2 for scalability.
  • Allows bets on various real-world events like politics, sports, and entertainment.
  • Users deposit USDC, buy outcome shares, and trade them.
  • No KYC checks, providing self-custody of wallets.
  • Faced regulatory issues but continues to operate internationally.
  • Augur
  • Uses Ethereum’s ERC-20 system
  • Users can make their own betting markets
  • Low costs for users
  • People who start markets can earn money from fees
  • 3. TotemFi

  • Uses a staking system for bets
  • You don’t lose money if your guess is wrong
  • Users work together to earn rewards
  • Pays out in Bitcoin and its own TOTM coin
  • 7.2 How they compareHere’s how Augur, TotemFi, and Polymarket stack up:

    What to look at Augur TotemFi Polymarket
    How it works Uses Ethereum Uses staking Uses Ethereum with Polygon Layer-2
    Who makes markets Users The platform Users
    Costs Low Not clear Low
    What happens if you’re wrong You might lose money You don’t lose money You might lose money
    How you earn From trading fees By working with others From trading fees
    What you can earn Platform coins Bitcoin and TOTM coins USDC

    Augur lets users create their own markets and has low fees. This is advantageous for those who want to bet on a variety of topics.TotemFi doesn’t take your money if you guess wrong and pays out in Bitcoin, which can be appealing to some users.Polymarket operates on Ethereum with Polygon Layer-2, allowing bets on a wide range of real-world events. Users can earn USDC, and the platform is known for its scalability and reduced transaction costs.Both Augur and TotemFi have unique features that cater to different user preferences, while Polymarket stands out for its technological enhancements and broad event coverage. As more people use these markets, we can expect further improvements and innovations.8. Real-world usesDecentralized prediction markets are used in many areas. Let’s look at how people use them.8.1 Guessing money trendsPeople use these markets to guess what might happen with money. They can help:

  • Predict how stocks might move
  • Guess if prices will go up or down
  • Show what many people think about money matters
  • Traders can use this info to make choices about buying and selling.

    8.2 Betting on politicsThese markets are good for guessing about politics. People bet on:

  • Who might win elections
  • What new laws might pass
  • Other big political events
  • Sometimes, these markets guess better than regular polls.8.3 Sports bettingSports fans like these markets because:

  • They can bet on many different sports
  • The fees are often lower
  • The odds can be better than regular betting sites
  • 8.4 New ways to check for problemsCompanies use these markets to spot possible issues. They help:

  • See what might go wrong with projects
  • Get ideas from many workers
  • Make better choices about risks
  • Use How it helps
    Money Guessing Shows what many people think about stocks and prices
    Politics Betting Can guess election results and new laws
    Sports Betting Offers many games to bet on with lower fees
    Problem Checking Helps companies spot issues before they happen

    As more people use these markets, we might see them used in new ways. They’re good at getting many people’s ideas quickly and clearly.9. Effects on old-style marketsDecentralized prediction markets are changing how regular markets work. Let’s see how they’re making things different.9.1 Changing regular platformsThese new markets are making old ones change:

    Change How it happens
    More open Old markets show more about how they work
    Lower costs Old markets charge less to keep up
    More choices Old markets offer more things to bet on
    Easier to use Old markets make their websites better

    9.2 Making markets work betterNew markets are helping all markets do better:

    Improvement What it means
    More money to trade People from all over can join in
    Better guesses Lots of people guessing together often get it right
    Faster updates New info changes prices quickly
    Less cheating Hard for one person to trick the whole market

    Here’s how new and old markets compare:

    What to look at Old markets New markets
    How open they are Not very Very
    How much they cost Often more Usually less
    How much money to trade Can be less Often more
    How good the guesses are Okay Often better
    How fast they work Can be slow Usually fast
    How easy to cheat Easier Harder

    As these new markets grow, they’ll keep making all markets better. This helps everyone who uses them.10. What’s nextLet’s look at what’s coming for decentralized prediction markets and how they might change things.10.1 New tech improvementsNew tech will make these markets work better:

    Improvement What it does
    Blockchain Makes things more open and safe
    Smart Contracts Runs markets on its own
    AI and Machine Learning Helps people make better guesses
    Mobile Apps Makes it easier to use on phones

    These changes will help more people use these markets.10.2 Working with other online money toolsPrediction markets will work with other online money tools:

    Tool How it helps
    Different blockchains Move money between different systems
    Data checkers Get better info from outside the blockchain
    Digital art tokens New ways to bet and earn
    Online insurance Protect against mistakes in the system

    This will give users more ways to use prediction markets.10.3 More uses in different areasThese markets will be used in new ways:

    Area What it could do
    Health Guess disease spread and treatment results
    Weather Predict changes and effects of new rules
    New tech Guess what new tech will be popular
    Movies and TV Predict hits and award winners
    Sports Better betting and guessing player success
    Government Better election guesses and law effects

    As these markets grow, they’ll help people make choices and plan in many areas.The future looks good for decentralized prediction markets. They’ll likely get better tech, work with more tools, and be used in new ways. As rules change, finding a balance between new ideas and following laws will be important for these markets to keep growing.11. Wrap-up11.1 Main pointsDecentralized prediction markets are changing how we use group knowledge. Here’s what’s important:

    What’s new How it helps
    Blockchain Makes things open and safe
    Smart contracts Runs markets without people
    More uses Not just for sports and politics anymore
    Easier to use More people can join in
    Works with AI Helps make better guesses

    These markets are changing how we make choices, handle risks, and plan for the future in many areas.11.2 Role in future moneyDecentralized prediction markets will be big in how we handle money:

    What they’ll Do Why it matters
    Better guessing Many people’s ideas help see what might happen
    More people join in Different views make guesses more right
    New rules needed To keep things fair and working well
    Work with other online money Help manage risks and invest
    Push new ideas Make tech better and find new ways to use it

    As these markets grow, they’ll help us make smarter choices about money and other things. They’ll change how we look at what might happen and deal with risks in our connected world.FAQsWhat are DeFi prediction markets?DeFi prediction markets are online platforms where people bet on future events. They use blockchain to work without middlemen. Here’s what makes them special:

    Feature What it means
    No central control Runs on blockchain, not by one company
    Self-running Computer programs handle bets and payouts
    Uses special coins People bet with crypto or platform tokens
    Anyone can start a market Users can make bets on many topics
    Cheap to use Costs less than old-style betting sites

    Two well-known DeFi prediction markets are:

  • Augur: Uses Ethereum and lets users create their own markets
  • TotemFi: Uses staking and doesn’t take your money if you guess wrong
  • These markets cover many topics like sports, politics, money trends, and world events.People use DeFi prediction markets because:

  • They’re open to everyone
  • They cost less to use
  • They offer many things to bet on
  • They work without needing a company to run them
  • As more people use these markets, they might change how we think about betting and guessing future events.


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