The Dow notched a third-straight record close on Monday as investors worked through September’s manufacturing and services PMI readings, with the former hitting 15-month lows. The S&P 500 also settled at a fresh all-time high, and the Nasdaq scored a healthy gain of its own amid prolonged interest rate cut optimism. Elsewhere, the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) settled lower for a third consecutive session.
Oil prices settled lower on Monday, as investors worried about energy demand after disappointing business activity data out of Europe. November-dated West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude dropped 63 cents, or 0.9%, to finish at $70.37 a barrel.Gold prices scored another record high, with tailwinds still blowing for the safe-haven asset on the heels of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cut and amid tensions in the Middle East. Gold for December delivery was last seen 0.2% higher at $2,651.75.More By This Author:Dow Scores Record High; Investors Parse Key Economic DataWall Street Secures Weekly Win Despite Shaky SessionDow Surges Over 500 Points For Record Close