Stocks were mixed on Monday, with the Dow slipping into the red in the last hours of trading. The Nasdaq scored a triple-digit pop amid Nvidia’s (NVDA) record-breaking rally and chip sector strength, while the S&P 500 settled higher as well. Reported changes to President-elect Trump’s tariff plan injected optimism into the market, with
tech and auto stocks
enjoying a boost. Traders are now looking ahead to another shortened week of trading, with the NYSE and Nasdaq scheduled to close on Thursday to honor the late U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Oil, Gold Suffer Monday Losses
Despite Middle Eastern demand and continued talks of stimulus updates out of China, oil prices moved lower this afternoon. February-dated West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude fell 40 cents, or 0.5%, to settle $73.56 per barrel.Gold suffered another drop, as U.S. Treasury yields rose on the back of a weakening dollar. Gold for January delivery shed 0.4%, to settle around $2,645.50 an ounce.More By This Author:Tech, Autos Help Wall Street Charge HigherStocks Snap Skids, Pick Up First Win Of 2025 Wall Street Higher; Still Pacing For Weekly Loss